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Maysville Public School



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Maysville Emergency Medical Plan For Athletic Activities



Maysville Emergency Medical Plan For Athletic Activities



 There is a map of all of our Athletic facilities on the Maysville Website


● Medical administrators at practices and events are assigned as follows :


●  Football - Dace Lemieux, Krysti Kesler, Shelly Beach

●  Fastpitch Softball  -  Macey Arnold, Krysti Kesler, Shelly Beach

●  Cheer - Kourtney McCaskill, Krysti Kesler, Shelly Beach

●  Basketball - Jordan Mejia, Kaleb Galaviz, Krysti Kesler

●  Baseball - Seth Jensen, Krysti Kesler, Shelly Beach 

●  Slowpitch Softball - Macey Arnold, Krysti Kesler, Shelly Beach

●  Track - Dace Lemieux, Jordan Mejia, Krysti Kesler


● Responsibilities of the medical administrator on site is to :


1.  Make the decision to call 911.

2.  Call 911

3.  Make sure the athlete is safe.

4.  Communicate and grant access to EMS to the facility.

5.  Contact parent or guardian.

6.  Follow up with EMS to evaluate the situation so we can improve emergency situation     effectiveness.


The nearest automated external defibrillator is located in the elementary school for track, fast pitch, football, and baseball.

The nearest automated external defibrillator is located in the high school office for basketball.